* At the end of the research Jorge chose to continue to use the same chin rest from the Chin Rest Testing Kit that he received half way through the research. Measurements given are taken at highest point on chin rest. When the tilt of the chin rest is great, this is also noted. Measurements of the shoulder rest are not included. *

1. Joining the research

First of all I think that all violin players are not happy with their chin and shoulder rests and I was one of them! My old equipment affected the position of my body. The summer before the research I had pains in my back. I didn’t feel comfortable with the chin rest or shoulder rest. I began to think that maybe I was really doing something wrong with my body when playing the violin. So, I thought that it would be very interesting to join this project, learn how to change my chin and shoulder rest, and work on this together with other people. I had also always wanted to take Alexander Technique lessons and I thought that this would be a good chance for it.

Since the project started, I have not had pain anymore. I know I am working in the right direction because my playing is much more comfortable. I haven’t discovered the ideal position for playing, but I know how to go for it. I feel more in balance now with the violin.

Besides the equipment, there were also some basic things about how my body works that I didn’t know, like where my neck is, believe it or not. I think learning about myself was more important than the chin rest or shoulder rest.

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