* Measurements given are taken at highest point on chin rest. When the tilt of the chin rest is great, this is also noted. Measurements of the shoulder rest are not included. *

1. Joining the research

For a long time I had been trying different shoulder rests and chin rests, but I was never comfortable at all and this was a bit frustrating. So, when I heard about the research I thought, “This could help me.”

I did not regularly have pain or discomfort, but I often felt frustrated with the equipment and the way I was playing.  I knew that it was not good but I didn’t know why.  I could play, more or less, but some months I felt better and other months I felt bad again.

I often had pain or discomfort when I was playing in orchestra. I was suffering and quite tense. Before the research project, I felt that I was the only one with these problems and that the others did not have the same problems.

Now, when I practice I don’t have pain or discomfort anymore.

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